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6 Hidden Places To Find Great Freelance Video Editing Gigs From Home!

It's hard to find work

Finding work in today's world as a freelance video editor is becoming increasingly difficult. With the influx of technology, the video editing industry has become saturated with competition. As a result, it can be hard to stand out from other video editors and land the jobs you desire.

To make matters worse, most employers are looking for experienced professionals who can hit the ground running with minimal training. This leaves many novice video editors unable to break into this field.

I can totally help you!

Are you a freelance video editor looking for gigs? Or perhaps you're just starting out and need to find some projects to get your portfolio rolling. Either way, finding new sources of work can be challenging but don't despair! This article will cover 8 little-known places on the internet where freelancers can find plenty of opportunities with minimal competition. 

From websites dedicated to helping freelancers connect with clients to online marketplaces and even specialized forums, this guide will show readers how they can tap into these resources and make sure that their skills remain in high demand.

With these tools at their disposal, video editors looking for new projects should be able to stay busy without having to worry about too much competition from other freelancers. Each resource mentioned below is easy to use and provides access to a variety of potential clients who are interested in hiring talented professionals like you.

Table Of Contents

  1. It's hard to find work
  2. I can totally help you!
  3. Behance
  4. Reddit
  5. Facebook
  6. Discord
  7. Youtube Jobs.com
  8. People per hour
  9. Summary
  10. Conclusion
  11. Thanks for watching


Behance is a job board site for creative workers, such as graphic designers, photographers, illustrators, and other types of creatives. It is an online portfolio platform that helps professionals showcase their work to employers looking for freelancers and full-time employees.

Behance offers users the ability to create portfolios with descriptions of each piece along with job listings from companies seeking creative talent. Unlike more popular mainstream job sites like LinkedIn and Indeed, Behance has a wide range of job postings specifically targeted at creatives. 

The website also serves as a great resource for employers who can find highly skilled professionals in one place. With a large number of members on the platform, there are always plenty of jobs posted daily making it easy to find freelance or contract work.


Reddit Job board is a great place to find freelance video editing jobs. It is often overlooked by freelancers due to the perception that it is difficult to find suitable work there. However, this perception is misguided as the Reddit job board has countless opportunities available for people who are looking for creative work in the digital space. 

Video editors will have an advantage when searching for their ideal job on Reddit job boards because these posts are often much less crowded than other platforms. This means fewer other freelancers vying for the same positions and more chances of getting hired quickly with minimal tussle.

Additionally, freelancers can also look up reviews from past clients before deciding whether or not they want to take up a job offer.  However, it is important to be aware of how the client acts during negotiations and throughout the duration of the project. Clients who post jobs on social media boards don't need to be verified or held accountable like on website platforms.


Facebook job boards offer a great way to find work if you know where to look. With the rise of social media platforms, employers are now turning to Facebook job boards as an efficient way to advertise jobs and hire freelancers.

Video editing is a highly sought-after skill on these boards, with many employers looking for experienced professionals who can create videos quickly and easily. In addition, the vast majority of freelance video editors benefit from this platform because they can set their own prices and negotiate terms directly with the employer.

This also means that they have more control over what work they choose to accept or reject – something that is not possible when working through third-party websites like Upwork or Fiverr.


Discord job marketplaces offer a great opportunity for freelance video editors to find work, network, and learn from their peers. Many marketplaces have been created specifically for freelancers who are looking to find video editing projects. Not only do these platforms provide an easy way to connect with potential employers, but they also provide a space where people can learn from each other and grow in their careers.

By joining a discord job marketplace for video editors, users can easily search for open jobs or post their own services. Most marketplaces have organized channels that make it simple to browse through posts quickly. Additionally, many of the marketplaces feature experienced professionals who are willing to share tips and advice about the freelance industry with those who are just starting out in the field.

Youtube Jobs.com

Youtube Jobs.com is quickly becoming one of the more popular job boards for freelance video editors. Recently launched, it already has many opportunities for professionals in the field to access. The website features job postings from companies that are looking for experienced candidates who specialize in video editing and related tasks such as animators, motion graphic artists, and scriptwriters.

It also provides resources to help freelancers find the right jobs to fit their needs including advice on how to create an attractive portfolio, market themselves effectively, and get hired quickly by clients.

The platform includes valuable resources such as a list of current job openings and a detailed guide on how to submit proposals to potential employers. Additionally, Youtube Jobs offers user-friendly tools like search filters so users can easily find positions based on criteria such as location or job type.

People per Hour

People per hour is a popular freelance marketplace that freelancers and businesses use to find each other. It is one of the oldest online platforms, launched in 2007. People per hour offers freelance video editing gigs for video editors who are looking for work.

Unlike other platforms in the industry, People per Hour has less competition than its counterparts. As a result, it's easier to be found by potential clients as you're not competing with hundreds of other freelancers vying for the same job.

This makes it an ideal option for video editors who want to get more freelance jobs without any hassle or intense competition from others. With People Per Hour's user-friendly interface, individuals and companies alike can easily search and filter through profiles to find the perfect match for their projects quickly and effectively.


Finding a job as a freelance video editor can be difficult, especially when there are so many applicants to compete with. However, there are some hidden places to find remote video editing work that you may not have considered. 

Behance is an online portfolio-hosting website that allows users to showcase their professional creative works and services. Submitting your profile here will put your skills on display and make them visible for potential employers looking for freelance work.

Similarly, Reddit and Facebook Marketplace can both be useful platforms for finding jobs in digital media. Discord is another popular platform amongst digital creatives that offers job postings in various fields such as graphic design or motion graphics.


In conclusion, freelance video editing gigs from home offer an attractive opportunity to earn money and hone your craft. With so many resources available, finding the right project can be a daunting task.

However, with a little creativity and careful research, these 6 hidden places can help you find great freelance video editing gigs that fit your skillset. Don't hesitate any longer - start searching today and boost your portfolio with new projects!

Thanks for watching

Are you ready to take full advantage of what our service can offer? Take the step today to improve your freelance video editing skills by subscribing to our email list now. Our team is dedicated to helping you become a successful video editor, so secure your spot now and keep up the great work!

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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