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Video Editing | Creative Software | Freelance | Blog

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About Us

Our blog is dedicated to helping beginner freelancers make money by editing videos. The age of information has ushered in a new era for video editors. With so much content being uploaded to the internet, it has become increasingly difficult for companies to stand out from the rest. Why not freelance on a job market, expected to grow 29% by 2030. We believe in hard work and determination, and we aim to help others achieve their goals by sharing our knowledge and experience with them. Our brand values honesty, integrity, and community.


Tips, tricks, and know how on everything and anything related to the field. We dig deep into what, how, and most importantly why, so you can replace that feeling of confusion and anxiety with confidence and ease.

Because the enlightenment of knowing why and what you're doing is far better than only knowing only how, and hoping for the best.


We'll show you how to attract more clients, drive more sales, and stand out from you compititors. Enjoy the freedom of Earning money your way, wether its just editing stock videos to polishing 10 hour courses!

Video Editing

We search every nook and cranny, scour every statastic, and study every grain of sand, just to report our research on how to best keep your audience engaged and attentive.

All that info is then wrapped tight, written into our quality articles, and may contain the occasonal clump of beach sand.


Reviews, Listicles, software discounts and more on creative software. Find the best reviews for your next purchase, The cheapest places to buy software , and the perfect blog post to make your next editing project smooth and comfy.


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