

Dont know how to gain your first Client as a freelance editor? We've got you covered!

So, you're a freelance editor. You've put together your portfolio, you've honed your skills, and now you're ready to start finding clients. But where do you start? How do you get your first client? Don't worry - we've got you covered.

When you're starting out as a freelance writer, it's important to get your first client as soon as possible. This client can act as a reference for future work, and can also give you feedback on your work.

In addition, getting your first client establishes you as a credible professional in the eyes of future clients. Finally, having a client early on can help you build a strong working relationship with them, which can lead to more work in the future.

Finding your first freelance client in video editing can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and resources, it can be a lot easier than you think. In this article, we will provide you with some tips and advice on how to land your first client and start building your portfolio.

Why finding your first client is important

In freelance video editing, your first client is very important. They can either give you a great reference to help you get more work, or they can be a nightmare that leaves a bad impression on potential clients.

You want to make sure that you impress them with your work and professionalism. When working with your first client, its very important to keep this in mind as they're review will decide how well your gig does or not.

This will help you to build a strong relationship with them and could lead to more work in the future. Its also important to act professional and courteous, and to meet all of their expectations.

By doing this, you will ensure that the client is happy with the work you have done and will be more likely to recommend you to others. Overall, I wanted the stress this point because it very important for the long game.

The Grand Startegy

The key to successful freelancing is to offer a cheap and beneficial service at the start. This will help you attract clients and reviews, which will then allow you to increase your prices. Growing your service little by little is the entire grand strategy behind any freelance service.

It's important to be patient and continue providing high-quality work in order to maintain your client base and grow your business. Remember that your lowering prices to get good reviews, skipping quality for quanitiy will only blow up in your face and ruin the long game.

How to draw in more clients?

Lower the price for the first few buyers

Lowering the price of your service for the first few clients can increase attraction. This is because it provides a cheaper option over the competition, encourages people to leave good reviews, And makes you a great recommendation for people on a budget.

The Idea is that by looking like you have a good amount client history and good reviews, it will just your price increase later in the future. When you do get your first clients, make sure the project is made from blood, sweat, and tears.

Include extra servies for free that the competition makes you pay for.

While this is similar to lower prices, it is another way to make your services as appealing as possible to potential clients. You can add quality to your service by including extra services that the competition makes clients pay for, but that you're willing to provide for free.

This can help you draw in your first client and set yourself apart from the competition. Of course, you don't want to offer too many extras for free or else you'll be left with little profit margin. But including a couple of complimentary services can be a great way to attract new business.

For example, if your competition charges for color correction or audio editing, you could offer those services for free. This will show clients that you're serious about providing high-quality work and that you're willing to go the extra mile to meet their needs.

Use ads

Paying for ads is a direct, straightforward way to get attention. This can be a great way to target potential clients who may be interested in what you have to offer. facebook, fiverr, google and many more have some sort of way to display ads to get traction for your service.

There are a few things to keep in mind when paying for ads. First, make sure you know your target audience and what type of people you want to reach. Next, research different advertising platforms and find one that's a good fit for your business. Finally, set a budget and stick to it.

Paying for ads can be a great way to get more exposure for your freelance business. Becuase you can target an audience directly you don't need to post your service on fiverr and wait. You can have clients in the first week with targeted ads.

fast response time

One of the best ways to build trust, authenticity, and a relationship with potential clients is to respond to their questions and emails as soon as possible. This shows that you are interested in helping them, and that you take your business seriously.

It also makes it easier for potential clients to get in touch with you if they have any other questions or concerns. By responding quickly, you can make a positive impression on potential clients and increase the likelihood of them doing business with you.

When a client is looking for a freelance video editor, they will often consider many people at the same time. This can be because they are not sure who to choose, or because they want to get the best possible deal. In order to make sure that you are the focus of their attention, it is important to respond to their emails quickly.

This shows that you are interested in working with them, and that you are available if they decide to choose you. talking to a client in the buying process directly will greatly increase your chance of being chosen.

When in contact with a client who emails you it is very important to ask follow questions to peak they,re interest in you. get them to describe what they want, and reassure them that you can fulfill they're needs (if you can actually do it).

By displaying confidence you can complete they're project in high quality fashion, giving them an estimate of how much it would cost, and responding quickly and professionally. It will eliminates the fear of them wasting money on someone who might give a low effort job.

Use keywords

When it comes to marketing your freelance video editing service, using the right keywords is essential. By incorporating words and phrases that clients may use when searching for video editing services, you can attract more potential customers to your business. 

Some of the most popular keywords relating to video editing include "video editor," "video editing software," "video production company," and "professional video editing." You can also target specific types of clients by using keywords such as "wedding video editor" or "commercial video editor." 

You may also want to consider using long-tail keywords, which are longer and more specific phrases that people are likely to use when searching for a particular service. For example, you could use the phrase "professional wedding video editing services in Toronto."

For the intent of this article specifically its very important to put the keywords "Cheap" and "Quality" into your service description. Because you will be lowering your prices in the beginning, clients looking for a cheap but just as quality as the rest service to buy, will look at your service.

Additional ways to find first clients

Social Websites

Social media websites are a great way to find new clients and build your portfolio.

One of the best social media websites for finding video editing work is Reddit. There are several different subreddits for video editors, and they are a great place to find work opportunities. You can also post your resume and portfolio on these websites to attract potential clients.

  LinkedIn is another social media website that can be used to find video editing work. The LinkedIn groups for video editors are a great place to connect with potential clients. Tune in to our newsletter for more on using social websites in the future.

Making your own website

Making your own website that sells your services is a very good technique for finding clients for freelance video editing. You can use online ads to drive traffic to your site, and you can also reach out to potential clients through social media platforms.

In addition, you can create a portfolio of your work to show potential clients what you are capable of. By taking these steps, you can increase the chances of finding new clients and growing your business.


Finding your first client as a freelance editor can be daunting, but there are plenty of ways to get started. You can network with other professionals in your field, reach out to businesses, or post ads online.

No matter which method you choose, make sure you showcase your skills and highlight your experience. Be prepared to answer questions about your editing process and what you can offer clients.

Remember that it takes time to build up a client base, so don't be discouraged if you don't land your first client right away. With hard work and a little luck, you'll be on your way to a successful freelance editing career.

In conclusion, don't be discouraged if you don't have any clients yet. There are plenty of ways to gain your first client as a freelance editor, and we've covered some of the best methods. Use the advice in this article to get started, and you'll be on your way to a successful freelance editing career in no time!

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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