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want to empower your clients Instagram reels with great video editing techniques?

How do I impress someone in 15-90 seconds?

Instagram reels are a new way to share videos on the platform. Reels are only 90 seconds long, which means that stories or messages can only be told within that timeframe and sometimes even less than 90 seconds. n such a short amount of time, it can be difficult to get your point across without being too concise or leaving out important details.

For video editors, this presents a challenge in terms of telling a story or conveying a message within such a short timeframe. However, it also presents an opportunity to be creative and think outside the box. With the right approach, Instagram reels can be used to great effect.

Why is a reel so important anyway?

In the past, people would post pictures and videos on their Instagram accounts and hope that their friends would see them. However, with the new Instagram Reels feature, you can now create short videos that are more likely to be seen by your followers.

Instagram reels are great for social media performance and marketing. The more clicks your page gets, the more leads you gain on social media. By creating short videos on Instagram, you can quickly grab users’ attention and get them to click on your page.

Reels can only be seen by people who follow you or a hashtag related to your reel. This means that people who see your reels are already interested in what you offer, making the conversion process much more manageable.

Why would my client be interested in such a short video?

"According to the 2013 Social Media Industry Report, 86% of marketers believe social media channels are important components of their marketing initiatives. Fast Company, a business magazine, states that 93% of marketers use social media to promote their business"

“Microsoft Word - 446378-Convertdoc.Input.433963.T0FGx.Docx - An Experiment_ Instagram Marketing Techniques and Their Effective (1).Pdf.” N.p., n.d. Web.

How to tell a story of a message in a minute and a half

The 4 pillars of visual storytelling are the key to making a powerful Instagram reel

What are the 4 pillars?

For a visual story to be effective, it must have four key elements: authenticity, sensory input, archetypal resonance, and relevancy.

Authenticity is essential for the story to be believable and relatable. The audience must be able to see themselves in the story and believe that it could happen.

Sensory input is important in order to engage all of the senses of the viewer. Sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste should all be used in order to create a fully immersive experience. Think about the emotional impact of the video's content.

Archetypal resonance is necessary in order to connect with the universal themes that your audience can relate to. These archetypes can be things like the stay-at-home mom, or a risk-taking entrepreneur. incorporate your brand's persona into the video for a connection.

Relevancy is the capture of the moment, make sure the pictures you choose make your audience think of a bigger picture and where they are now. another good idea is to choose pictures that make them think about where they could be in the future.

The power of using music in your reel

There's no doubt that the music in your Instagram reel serves a purpose. But what exactly is that purpose? Is it to inspire? Is it to evoke emotion? Or is it simply to make your audience think of the future?

No matter what the purpose of the music in your reel is, one thing is for sure: it definitely has an impact on viewers. And depending on the type of music you choose, that impact can be either positive or negative.

If you're looking to inspire your viewers, then you'll want to choose uplifting, motivational songs that will give them a boost. On the other hand, if you're hoping to evoke emotions like sadness or nostalgia, then you'll need to choose slower, more melancholic tunes.

Make sure to respect and understand your audience, using a popular pop song on a reel about stray dogs is disrespectful and shows a lack of understanding on your part.

Audio is very important for sensory and archetypal

What kind of footage is being shown

`When it comes to creating an engaging Instagram reel, it's all about finding the right footage. You want your audience to connect with your content on a personal level, and the best way to do that is by showing footage that is authentic, sensory, archetypal, and relevant. (you don't have to do all 4)

`By Authentic, we mean that the footage you choose should be something that your audience can relate to. Whatever it is, make sure it's real and relatable. Archetypal footage is those that resonate on a deep, subconscious level.

Sensory footage is always eye-catching and engaging. Think close-ups of products being used or people enjoying themselves in different settings. The more senses you can stimulate with your visuals, the better.

Relevancy should show footage about the moment.

Tips for editing your reel videos

  1. Make sure your audio is top quality, people will forgive bad visuals but not bad audio. Use headphones to make sure the sound is just right.
  2. Make sure it is colorful or visually appealing, if the message or story you want to deliver demands differently, then make sure that your video stands out in some way.
  3. Don't repeat a sound that's too trendy or played often by others, unless your client is a creator, it will look very unprofessional.

Animation & effects

Animation and effects can help make your Reels more eye-catching and engaging, and there are a number of different ways to use them. You can add animated text or stickers, use special effects filters, or even create stop-motion videos.

If you want your Reels to really stand out, though, you need to experiment with a variety of different techniques and find what works best for you. With a little creativity, you can create truly unique and impressive Reels that will grab attention and get people talking.

Your effects should play a big role in the authentic and sensory elements of your video.

Stock and gifs

Stock video and gifs can help add some production value to your Reels, making them more engaging and visually appealing. Plus, they're a great way to show off your brand's personality and style.

If you're thinking about using stock video and gifs in your Instagram Reels, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Choose high-quality assets: Not all stock videos and gifs are created equal. When choosing assets for your Reel, make sure to select ones that are high-quality and on-brand. Otherwise, you risk coming across as cheap or unprofessional.

Gifs should be relatable and relevant, this is important for visual storytelling.

Stock footage should be slowed down, or given a wide landscape shot to help sell the sensory and relevancy of visual storytelling.

Stick to the message

With only a limited amount of time to capture attention, it is crucial that your video has a strong focus. You will need to determine what the main message of your video is and make sure that all other elements support this.

While it may be tempting to try and include as much information as possible in your 90-second video, resist the urge to do so. Keep your message clear and concise, and you’ll be more likely to engage and convert viewers into customers.

Trim the fat

Remove any unnecessary clips, you only have the 90s at most and shouldn't waste time showing things you don't need to.

Subtitles can be key

Title cards, subtitles, and text can give a deeper understanding and context to the message your reel is trying to convey. this is useful because it does this without sacrificing video length and only blocks some of the visuals.

Pick an engaging thumbnail

Thumbnail should be eye-catching and authentic. make sure it applies to the visual storytelling of your video.


In conclusion, if you want to empower your client's Instagram reels with great video editing techniques, then follow the tips outlined in this article and stay true to the 4 pillars of visual storytelling.

With a little practice and patience, anyone can create stunning videos that will capture the attention of their audience. If you are interested in our blog we have many more quality articles for you to enjoy. please consider signing up for our newsletter to stay informed.

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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