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Uncovering the Grand Total, How Much do Youtubers Pay Editors?

Youtube Is looking Bright

The digital age has been a boon for many aspiring entrepreneurs, especially YouTubers. With over 2 billion logged-in users watching videos on YouTube every month, the platform has become an incredibly lucrative career path for content creators.

But what about the people behind the scenes that make it all happen? How much do video editors get paid on YouTube? This article will explore this question and uncover the grand total of how much YouTubers pay their editors.

Table of contents

  1. Youtube is looking great
  2. Cut to chase, How Much?
  3. They Must Become A Jack Of All Trades
  4. Where do YouTubers look for video editors
  5. Just in case You're looking for a youtube job
  6. Tips for youtube video editing
  7. Make sure you negotiate with fair prices and fair treatment
  8. Summary
  9. Conclusion
  10. Thanks for reading

Cut to chase, How Much?

Do you want to know what the average pay for YouTube editors is? ZipRecruiter recently reported that YouTube editors earn about $58,000 annually. That number may sound like a lot compared to other freelance gigs, but it's important to note that it's an average.

It's not uncommon for some of the top-tier video editors to make more than double this figure. On other freelance sites such as Fiverr and Upwork, YouTube editors can price their services on the higher end at between $50 and $150 per video project.

The exact amount depends on factors like the length and complexity of the video, as well as how much experience they have working with clients in this particular field. Generally speaking, most experienced professionals will charge more than those who are just getting started in this industry.

They Must Become A Jack Of All Trades

As a Youtube video editor, the job is more complex than it seems. With the platform being home to many different types of content and audiences, editors need to be a “jack of all trades” in order to deliver quality work for their clients.

This can involve mastering various editing styles, including animation and compositing, knowledge of various software packages such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X in order to ensure the best results. 

This extensive skill set requires significant investment from an editor’s part in terms of both time and money which justifies why they demand higher fees compared to other forms of media production. The cost is not only due to the technical ability needed but also because Youtube videos are constantly being viewed by millions around the world which puts pressure on editors to produce high-quality output every single time.

Where do YouTubers look for video editors?

Are you looking to get hired as an editor for a YouTuber? There are many websites that offer opportunities for editors, such as Fiverr and YTJobs.com. It's important to research the different websites and find out how much money you could make editing videos for a YouTuber. 

Fiverr is a popular website that allows users to offer services starting at five dollars, but it's unclear how much more experienced editors can make on this platform. In contrast, YTJobs.com offers more specific information about what kind of work will be expected from editors, and they provide estimates on how much an editor could expect to earn per project or hour.

Just in case You're looking for a youtube job

For those looking for a YouTube editing job, there are certain tips that can increase the chances of getting hired. The first step is research — find out who the top YouTubers in your niche area are and get to know more about them. Additionally, check out their videos and figure out what type of content they’re putting out and who their current editors are. This will give you an idea of what kind of videos they want to create. 

Once you have this information, reach out with direct messages (DM) expressing interest in working as an editor and highlighting your skillset and experience. Make sure to provide samples or past work when you apply so the YouTuber can get an idea of what kind of style suits them best.

Tips for actually editing youtube videos.

Editing videos for YouTube can be a rewarding career, but it requires skill and knowledge to produce the best results. Knowing how to edit quickly and efficiently is essential for meeting deadlines and producing top-quality content for your clients.

In addition, understanding how much youtubers pay editors is important for establishing fair fees. 

The first step in editing YouTube videos is to understand what works best for your client's style or brand. Taking the time to learn new techniques and software can help create unique videos that stand out from the crowd.

Furthermore, familiarizing yourself with existing video trends on YouTube will give you an idea of what type of content resonates with viewers most effectively.

Long term Contract

When forming a long-term contract with a YouTuber, it is important to ensure that both parties are being treated fairly. Negotiating the right deal for both parties ensures a happy working relationship and a successful business venture.

For many video editors, one of the most important aspects of negotiations revolves around money; how much do YouTubers pay editors? The amount of compensation an editor will receive from working with a YouTuber depends on a variety of factors such as the complexity and length of their work, the number of videos they’ll be editing, and any additional services they may be providing.

As such, it is imperative that video editors don’t undervalue themselves or their time when negotiating pay – this could lead to financial difficulty down the line if you accept too little money for your hard work.


Editors who work for YouTubers make a substantial amount of money, with reported annual salaries of 58,000 dollars. These editors must be highly skilled and have the ability to pay close attention to the audience they are editing for. Working as an editor for a YouTuber is not an easy job by any means. It requires long hours of hard work and dedication to ensure that the video content remains relevant and engaging. 

YouTuber editors must possess excellent communication skills in order to collaborate with their clients regarding desired changes or adjustments that need to be made to a piece of content. They must also be able to effectively execute these requested changes in order for the video content produced by their client to remain successful amongst targeted audiences.


In conclusion,it is clear that the cost of employing an editor for a YouTube channel varies greatly. Some editors charge by the hour, while others negotiate a flat fee or even take on projects free of charge.

Ultimately, it depends on the scope of the job and how much time is needed to complete it. It is important to consider all your options before committing to a payment plan with an editor or video production company.

Thanks For Reading

ShootItEditProfit.com is an online resource for freelance video editors. We provide resources to help you become a better video editor and help you make more money. Our website has tutorials, tips and tricks, Software Discount Locations, and much more. 

We also have a blog that features articles about business strategies that can be used to increase profits as well as advice from industry veterans who share their experiences on how they became successful freelancers. In addition to the blog we release monthly newsletters containing timely information about the latest trends in the industry so you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to learning new skills. 

If you found this article useful please check out ShootItEditProfit.com for more resources and subscribe to our blog for freelance video editing resources and more!

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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