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How much should you charge for video editing: Freelancer Pricing Made Easy

As a freelance video editor, you may find yourself wondering how to price your services. After all, you don't want to charge too little and lose out on potential earnings, but you also don't want to charge too much and scare away potential clients. So how do you find the sweet spot?

You need to be able to properly calculate how much you should charge for video editing services. This can be tricky, as there are many factors to consider when coming up with a price. This article will give you some tips on how to price your video editing services.

However, there are a few things to consider before setting your rates.

Be prepared to wait for your profit.

It can be a while before you make a profit after buying software and equipment. So don't expect to make a quick profit. It takes time to learn how to use new software and equipment, and it can take even longer to become proficient enough to produce work that clients are willing to pay for.

In the meantime, you'll likely have some expenses associated with running your business, such as a computer, internet service, and perhaps even office space.

Once you've built up a clientele and have a good reputation, you'll be in a much better position to start making a profit. Until then, focus on honing your skills and providing high-quality work, and don't be discouraged if it takes a while to start seeing financial results.

You have to start small and ramp up from there

As a freelancer, it is important to start by offering very cheap services in order to gain more clients. It is more important to focus on getting good reviews than on charging a high price.

Starting out as a freelancer can be tough. You're competing against established businesses with years of experience and a strong reputation. In order to stand out, you need to offer something that they don't – and that's where low prices come in.

Offering rock-bottom prices for your services is a great way to attract attention from potential clients. Once you've built up a few good reviews, you can start charging more for your services. Until then, prioritize getting those all-important positive reviews over everything else.

How much should you charge for video editing?

Your skills and experience

Your skill set and experience will directly affect your pricing. If you're just starting out, you may not be able to charge as much as an experienced professional. However, even if you're new to the business, you can still command a fair price for your services by honing your skills and building up a strong portfolio.

When deciding how to price your services, consider the level of experience and expertise you bring to the table. If you have extensive experience in video editing, you can charge more than someone who is just starting out. Likewise, if you have developed a strong portfolio of work, this will also be taken into account when clients are considering your rates.

While it's important to factor in your skills and experience when setting your prices, don't forget that the market rate for video editing services should also be taken into account.

How to find the right balance between what you're worth and what the market will pay

Finding a balance between how much your skills are worth and what your clients are willing to pay is a task that must honor both parties. If you charge too little, you may not be able to make a living off of your video editing business. On the other hand, if you charge too much, you may not get any clients.

To find the right price for your freelance video editing services, consider your experience and skill level. If you're just starting out, you'll likely need to charge less than someone who has been in the business for years.

However, even if you're new to video editing, you shouldn't undervalue your skills. Think about how much time and effort you put into each project and price accordingly.

What is a good starting price for my service?

There is no specific answer but you have to research to average pay from more successful freelancers and make your price cheaper. A good rule of thumb is to look for other beginner video editors in your niche and take ideas from their price

You can also ask forums like Reddit or quora, they usually have great answers from tons of people with experience.

Take expenses into account (its called profit for a reason)

Overhead costs

When it comes to freelancing, there are a few overhead costs that you need to take into account. First, there is the marketplace commission. This is the percentage that the freelancing platform takes from your earnings.

For example, if you earn $100 from a project, and the marketplace commission is 10%, then you would only receive $90. In addition to the marketplace commission, you also need to factor in domain cost. This is the annual cost of maintaining your website or blog if you have one.

Finally, there are marketing costs. These can include email outreach costs, as well as costs for promoting your services on social media.

Equipment costs

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the cost of video editing equipment will vary depending on the freelance editor's individual needs and preferences.

However, some basic equipment that most freelance editors will need includes a computer with editing software, a camera, and various storage devices. The cost of this equipment can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the quality and brand of the products.

In addition to the initial cost of setting up a freelance video editing business, editors will also need to factor in the cost of ongoing maintenance and upgrades as new technologies emerge.

This can rack up a hefty cost and is the main reason it might take longer to see a profit.

Software costs

It's important to know the software cost for your services. There are many editing software programs available, and the price can range from free to several hundred dollars. You need to choose the right program for your needs and budget.

There are many factors to consider when choosing an editing program. The first is the features you need. If you only need basic editing features, then a free or low-cost program may be sufficient.

However, if you need more advanced features such as color correction or special effects, then you will need to spend more money on a program that offers these features.

Some clients will turn away your service if they see you not using a well-known software like adobe or DaVinci resolve.

Hourly rate

An hourly rate can vary depending on your experience, the type of work you're doing, and the client you're working with. However, there are some general ranges that you can expect to earn as a freelance video editor.

If you're just starting out in the industry, your hourly rate will likely be on the lower end of the spectrum. You can expect to earn anywhere from $20 to $40 per hour as a beginner. Once you've built up some experience and have a strong portfolio of work, you can start charging more.

Experienced freelance video editors usually charge between $50 and $100 per hour. The type of work you're doing also affects your hourly rate. If you're working on simple projects like wedding videos or corporate training videos, you'll likely be on the lower end of the pay scale.

Project Rate

The average pay-per-project rate for freelance video editors is $10-$300. However, this can vary depending on the length and complexity of the project, as well as the editor's experience.

For shorter projects, such as simple music videos or commercials, rates will usually be on the lower end of the spectrum. For longer projects, such as feature films or documentaries, rates will typically be higher.

When negotiating your pay-per-project rate, it's important to consider all of these factors so that you can come to an agreement that is fair for both parties.

hourly rate vs. project rate

When it comes to freelance video editing, there are two main options for pricing: pay per project or hourly rate. So, what’s better?

It really depends on the project and the editor. Some editors prefer the stability of an hourly rate, while others prefer the flexibility of pay per project. Here are some things to consider when making your decision:

Hourly rate:


  • With an hourly rate, you know exactly how much you will be paid for each hour of work. This can be helpful in budgeting and planning your time.


  • However, an hourly rate can also limit your earnings potential if a project takes longer than expected or if you are particularly efficient at your work.

  • Many clients won't look for freelancers who work hourly because it's an easy excuse to drive up costs.

Pay per project:


  • With pay per project, you are paid based on the completion of the project, not the number of hours worked.


  • Bigger payouts with big projects, smaller payouts with small projects.


  • Usually a closer deadline

Price Ramping

As a freelancer, you are in charge of setting your own prices. You may find that when you first start out, you are undercharging for your services. This is common and perfectly normal. As you become more experienced and confident in your skills, you will likely start to increase your prices.

There is no set time frame for when you should start increasing your prices. It really depends on how much experience you have and how in demand your services are. If you feel like you are constantly getting booked and turning away work, then it is probably time to raise your rates.

On the other hand, if the business is slow, it might be better to wait until things pick up before increasing your prices. You should start raising your prices after 10-15 good reviews for your service.

 Ultimately, it is up to you to decide when to raise your rates as a freelancer.

Fun Idea: Survey Your Clients

Asking customers how much they would be willing to pay for a product is called a price elasticity survey, and it can give business owners crucial information about their prices. By surveying potential customers and tracking how much they are willing to pay for a product, businesses can get an idea of the perfect price point.

Price elasticity surveys can help businesses avoid underpricing or overpricing their products. If a business owner suspects that their product is underpriced, they can use a price elasticity survey to confirm this.

If the survey results show that customers are only willing to pay a small amount more for the product, the business owner knows that they should raise their prices. On the other hand, if a business owner suspects that their product is overpriced, a price elasticity survey can help them confirm this as well.

Earn Profit Sooner

if you're looking for ways to turn a profit sooner than normal. One way to do this is to sacrifice quality for cost. Free software on the internet can help you do this.

There are many free video editing programs available online. Some of these programs are better than others. However, they all have one thing in common: they are not as good as paid programs. But, they will get the job done if you are willing to sacrifice quality for cost.

Some people may be hesitant to use free software because they think it will be hard to use or it will produce inferior results. However, there are many tutorials available online that can help you get started with using the free software. And, once you get used to using the free software, you may find that it produces results that are just as good as paid programs.

Conclusion: finding the right price

In conclusion, video editing is an important but often overlooked part of the video production process. While it may be tempting to simply charge by the hour, there are a number of other factors to consider when setting your price.

With a little research and some careful planning, you can come up with a pricing strategy that meets the needs of both you and your client.

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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