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Unlock Your Potential! How to Improve Your Video Editing Skills.

Not feeling confident in your own service?

Trying to impress clients as a beginner video editor is like trying to sell a car that you just built in your garage.

When you're starting out as a video editor, it can be difficult to impress clients. You may lack the skills and experience that they are looking for. This can be frustrating, but don't give up. There are ways to improve your video editing skills and show your clients that you're the right person for the job.

Whether you want to start a YouTube channel or you're already making videos for your business, learning how to edit can help you make better videos. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to improve your video editing skills. 

Watch courses

Whether you want to get into video editing for fun or for profit, watching video editing courses is a great way to improve your skills. There are many free courses available online, as well as more comprehensive courses that you can pay for.

Udemy is a great resource for finding video editing courses. They have a wide variety of courses, both free and paid, that cater to different levels of experience. If you're just starting out, there are plenty of introductory courses that will teach you the basics of video editing. For those who want to take their skills to the next level, Udemy also offers more advanced courses.

Masterclass is another excellent resource for video editing courses. While Masterclass doesn't have as many courses as Udemy, the quality of their courses is very high.

Study Courses

Most online courses are designed to be engaging and interactive, which means that you can really pay attention to how the video tries to keep you interested. This can be incredibly helpful when you're trying to edit your own videos, as you'll know exactly what techniques to use in order to keep your viewers watching.

Additionally, online courses can also be a great way to network with other professionals in the field. You'll be able to connect with other students and get feedback on your work, which can only improve your skills as a video editor.

View Reddit post

If you're looking for information on video editing, there's no better place to start than the video editing subreddit. This subreddit is filled with questions and discussion posts from people who have gone through the trial and error process of learning video editing.

You'll find that the posts on this subreddit are incredibly helpful, as they offer first-hand accounts of what works and what doesn't when it comes to video editing. In addition, you'll be able to find answers to any questions you may have about the process.

Find free footage to work on

If you're looking for some free resources to help with your video editing, YouTube is a great place to start. There are many playlists titled "practice video editing" that you can use to get some experience. Be sure to pick up some color grading footage to practice with.

There are also plenty of free stock websites that can provide you with the clips and footage you need to put together a great video. Just make sure to do your research and find a reputable site that has high-quality content.

Use these videos to practice with and maybe even test out the features on your editing software.

Improve your workflow

If you're looking to improve your video editing skills, one of the best things you can do streamlines your workflow. The more streamlined and efficient your workflow is, the easier it will be to edit videos quickly and effectively.

Here are a few tips to help you improve your workflow and boost your video editing skills:

1. Simplify your process - When it comes to editing videos, simpler is often better. If you can streamline your process and make it as straightforward as possible, you'll be able to edit videos more quickly and efficiently.

2. Stay organized - Another important key to efficient video editing is staying organized. If you keep all of your files and assets well organized, you'll be able to find everything you need quickly and easily when it's time to edit.

If you want more on this subject read our blog post Here

Practice, practice, practice.

If you're hoping to improve your video editing skills, there's no better way to do it than by practicing. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that they can just watch tutorials and pick things up that way, but it's really not the same as getting in some hands-on experience.

The more you practice, the better you'll get at using the various tools and features in your video editing software. You'll also start to develop a feel for how to put together a good edit, and what kind of pacing and rhythm works well for different types of videos.

Of course, it's not enough to just practice randomly - you need to be intentional about it. Set yourself some goals, such as learning a new tool or technique each week, and make sure you practice regularly until you've mastered it.

Study your favorite film

If you're a fan of film and want to get better at video editing, studying your favorite movies is a great way to improve your skills. By taking notes on the filmmaking techniques used in your favorite films, you can learn a lot about how to create compelling visual stories.

One of the most important aspects of good video editing is knowing how to effectively use audio and visual elements to tell a story. By studying films that you enjoy, you can get a better sense of how to craft your own videos in order to engage and entertain viewers.

In addition to improving your video editing skills, studying films can also help you develop a better understanding of cinema as an art form. By analyzing the structure and style of your favorite movies, you can gain insights into the creative process that goes into making a great film.

Memorize every technique

Memorizing video editing techniques is a great way to improve your own skills, so you can use them later. Vimeo and YouTube are two great places to start practicing. By following along with how the professionals do it, you can learn a lot about video editing.

Did you know many YouTube videos feature a light vignette when they want an object to capture the attention of the viewer? This is one example of a technique that you can learn by observing and then trying yourself.

By taking the time to watch and learn from others, you can quickly improve your own video editing skills. These techniques will come in handy next time you want to create an engaging and eye-catching video.

Study your favorite YouTube Videos

Studying your favorite YouTube videos is a great way to learn from the best. After all, YouTube videos are designed to capture attention and keep viewers engaged.

When you watch a video that you really enjoy, pay close attention to the editing choices that were made. Ask yourself questions like: Why did the editor choose to include this particular shot? How did they transition from one scene to the next? What effect do the music and sound effects have on the overall video?

By analyzing what works well in other people's videos, you can start to develop your own editing style and learn what techniques work best for telling a story with visuals. So next time you're watching YouTube, take some time to study the videos closely and see how you can improve your own editing skills.

Find higher quality footage (it may not be you)

If you think your final cut is bad, it may not be you who is a bad editor – editors can only work with the footage given to them. If you want better results, change the footage.

This is a common problem for many filmmakers and editors – they pour their heart and soul into a project, only to have it turned into something they don't recognize or like in the end. It's easy to blame the editor, but more often than not, it's the footage that's at fault.

There are ways to avoid this problem altogether. First, be very clear with your vision for the project before any filming even begins. Work with your cinematographer to make sure they understand what you're looking for and how to get the right shots.

Study Visual storytelling

A lot of people think that studying visual storytelling is a good way to improve their video editing skills. And it’s true! By understanding how pictures and visual context can make a viewer think and feel, you can vastly improve the quality of your video edits.

For example, let’s say you’re editing a scene where two characters are arguing. If you simply cut back and forth between the two characters, it might not have the same impact as if you cut to a close-up of one character while the other is in the background, looking anguished.

This is the same psychology behind all cinema film editing. Visual storytelling is a very important part of any video as it's a powerful tool that can easily change the quality of a video.

A research paper Stated that: "90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text" and: "40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text."

This means you should give your visuals 10x more thought and details than the text, as visuals can tell a story to the human brain much easier than text and sound can.

(n.d.). pavel5.pdf. Retrieved from http://www.quaestus.ro/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/pavel5.pdf

Understand your software better

You need to spend some time getting to know your software better. There are a lot of features in most editing programs that you may never use unless you take the time to explore them.

And even if you never use some of the more advanced features, understanding what they do can make it easier to use the features you do need. Hotkeys and shortcuts are another important part of becoming a better editor.

Learning these can save you a lot of time when you're working on a project. Even if you don't use them all the time, it's still good to know them so you can quickly access the tools and commands you need when you need them.

Follow video editing accounts on social media

following certain video editing accounts on social media is a great way to do so. By seeing the works of others and analyzing how they put their videos together, you can learn new techniques and tricks that you can then apply to your own work.

This is especially true if the accounts you're following share tips and tutorials on occasion. Not only will you be able to see how they execute certain edits, but you'll also be able to learn the reasoning behind why they make the choices they do.

This can help you develop a better understanding of the craft overall. By following some skilled video editors on social media, you can give yourself a strong foundation upon which to build upon.


In conclusion, if you want to improve your video editing skills, start by unlocking your potential. Use the tips and tricks in this article to help you get started. With a little practice, you'll be able to edit like a pro in no time.

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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