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How to Easily Improve shaky footage with video stabilization from Filmora!

Bad footage is always a burden on a video editor's performance

Video editing is a process that is often bogged down by poor footage. No matter how good of an editor you are, the final product will suffer if the footage is bad. This is why it is so important to have good-quality footage to work with. If you constantly have to deal with bad footage, it will eventually take a toll on your performance. this changes with Filmora video stabilization.

It's our job to improve the footage

When it comes to being a video editor, we often have to take on the challenge of making improvements to footage that may not seem ideal at first glance. This can include things like shaky footage or footage that seems chaotic and all over the place. However, our job is to make the best of what we're given and improve the footage as much as possible. With some creativity and hard work, we can turn even the most challenging footage into something that is enjoyable to watch.

Let's get to the point already, How to fix your footage on filmora

If you're like me, you love using Filmora to edit your videos. But You're probably here looking for ways to turn shaky, chaotic, and just plain bad footage into a stable piece of content, that satisfies your editing desire.

There's nothing worse than putting together a great video only to have it ruined by shaky footage. But thankfully, there's a tool in Filmora that can help fix that. It's called the Video Stabilization tool, and it's really easy to use.

Here's a quick step-by-step guide on how to use the Video Stabilization tool in Filmora to fix your shaky footage:

Where to find filmora Video Stabilization

Are you tired of your videos being shaky and unclear? Well, Filmora has the perfect solution for you! With just a few simple steps, you can have a steady and clear video in no time.

First, drag the target shaky video into the timeline. Double-click on it to open the editing panel and select the Stabilization option from the menu. You will see a variety of options that you can use to stabilize your video. Experiment with each one to see which gives you the best results.

Once you have found the perfect setting, hit apply and sit back and enjoy your new and improved video

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What does what?

The video stabilization tool has 2 options that affect video stability. One of those tools is the smooth level option in the video stabilization tool. This option can help to increase the level of stability in your video, but it does come at the cost of quality.

When you use the smooth level option, your video will be zoomed in slightly in order to stabilize it. This can sometimes result in a loss of quality, as some of the details in your footage may be lost. However, if you're looking for a stable video, this is definitely an option that you should consider.

The 2nd video stability option is edge processing, and it deals with those pesky black edges.

Here's how it works: when you stabilize your video, the out-of-frame areas will appear black. This option deals with that by filling in the missing information so you don't have to worry about nasty black edges ruining your footage.

This powerful stabilization option ensures that your video is free of any black borders or artifacts, resulting in a clean and polished final product. So next time you're stabilizing your video, be sure to use the edge processing option to get rid of those pesky black edges!

What options are a no-brainer for making it look smooth?

Shaky footage is a common issue when filming with a handheld camera. But if you're looking to eliminate any shaky footage from your videos, the best way to do it is by using both smooth levels and edge processing in filmora. By doing this, you'll be able to get rid of any unwanted shakes and jitters, making for a much smoother and cleaner video.

When it comes to making your videos look smooth, there's a delicate balance that you need to strike. If the smooth level is too high, you might sacrifice some of the detail in your footage. But if it's too low, your video might look jerky and amateurish.

To get that perfect balance, make sure the smooth level is set high enough to give your video a polished look, but not so high that important details are lost. With a little trial and error, you'll be able to find just the right setting for your videos. This technique is not a one size fits all solution, but it is definitely worth trying if you are having issues with shaky footage.

With that out of the way your footage should be much better

If you were able to use film to edit your video, hopefully, you were able to get more stability out of jerky and shaky footage. This can be a great way to improve the quality of your video, and it can also help you to avoid any potential issues that might occur with shaky footage.

Why video stabilization is important?

There are many reasons why video stabilization is important in video editing. For one, it can help to avoid the jittery, shaky look that often occurs when trying to capture moving subjects. It can also be used to create smooth pans and tracking shots, which can add a professional touch to your videos.

Another reason why video stabilization is so important is that it can help you to avoid problems with motion blur. This is especially a problem when shooting videos in low light conditions or when using a long shutter speed. By stabilizing your footage, you can make sure that your final video looks clear and sharp.

Finally, video stabilization can also be used to improve the overall composition of your shots. This is because it can help you to keep the camera still while you move around your subject.


To summarize, the video stability tool can be found in the editing panel. It offers several options to help you stabilize your shaky footage and make it look smoother. The tool is easy to use and works on any kind of shaky footage.

The video stabilization tool allows you to control how much of the original motion or shake is removed from your clip. You can select from a variety of presets or tune each setting manually for more precise results. Additionally, users have the option to apply blur effects and transform settings for further adjustments if needed. Therefore, with this powerful feature, you can easily get smooth shake-free footage within minutes!


In conclusion, with the help of Filmora's video stabilization feature, making shaky footage look smoother has never been easier. If you find yourself struggling with shakiness, take a deep breath and remember that you can easily fix it! So what are you waiting for? Give Filmora's video stabilization a try and share your best work with us! We can't wait to see what magic you make. Have fun creating!

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