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Is freelance video editing worth it? Pros, Cons, and Comparisons!

What is freelance video editing?

In the past decade, freelance video editing has become increasingly popular as more people have access to quality video editing software.

There are many reasons why someone might choose to freelance edit videos, including the flexibility of working from home, the freedom to choose their own projects, and the opportunity to build a strong portfolio.

While there are many benefits to freelance video editing, there are also some challenges that come with the territory. For many people, it's a lot of work. You would have to meet with clients, figure out what they wanted, and then edit the videos accordingly.

It's a time-consuming process, but it was also very rewarding. Today, things are easier With the advent of online tools and platforms, freelance video editing is now easier than ever before.

Why Video Editing

Video editing is a process that can be both creative and technical, involving the manipulation and arrangement of footage to tell a story or create a specific message.

There are many reasons to choose freelance video editing, including the ability to work remotely, set your own hours, and be your own boss. With the right skills and experience, you can be successful in this field and land clients that suit your interests and needs.

What are the benefits of freelance video editing? Vs other freelance jobs in general.

When it comes to freelance video editing, there are many benefits that come along with the job. For one, video editors have the ability to work from home, which gives them a great deal of flexibility in terms of their work schedule. In addition, video editors typically earn a higher hourly rate than most other freelancers.


Video editing is a creative process that can lead to interesting and unexpected results. For freelance video editors, the freedom to be creative is one of the biggest benefits of the job.

Without the restrictions of a corporate environment, freelance video editors have the opportunity to try new things and experiment with their work.

This creativity can result in more innovative and original videos that stand out from the rest.


As a freelance video editor, you have the freedom to choose your own clients, schedule, and pay. This allows you to work with the clients you want to work with, on the projects you want to work on, and at the rates, you want to charge.

This flexibility can be a great benefit if you're looking to build a client base or expand your portfolio. You can also use it to your advantage if you have other commitments that make a traditional 9-to-5 job difficult.

Of course, this freedom also comes with some responsibility. As a freelancer, you'll need to be proactive about finding new clients and keeping up with your invoices. But if you're organized and self-motivated, being a freelance video editor can be a great way to earn a living while maintaining control over your career.

Remote workspace

There are many benefits to freelance video editing, one of which is the ability to work remotely. This can be a great perk for those who enjoy working from home or who have a long commute.

Working remotely also allows you to be more flexible with your schedule. If you have other commitments during the day, you can often work around them by working in the evening or on weekends. This can be a great way to make sure that you're still getting your work done while also being able to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Overall, working remotely as a freelance video editor can be a great way to get the job done while also enjoying some flexibility and freedom.

What are the drawbacks of freelance video editing?

There are many drawbacks to freelance video editing. The most common one is that you do not have a regular income. You may get lucky and find a client who needs your services regularly, but most clients only need you on a project-by-project basis. This can make it difficult to predict when you will work and how much money you will make.

No benefits

As a freelancer, you miss out on key job benefits that can help you in the long run. For example, many employers offer retirement plans and health insurance, neither of which you have as a freelancer. This can be a major drawback, especially as you get older and your health needs change.

Another key benefit that you miss out on as a freelancer is paid vacation days. When you work for yourself, there is no one to give you time off - meaning that if you want to take a vacation, you have to do so without pay. This can be hard to swing financially, especially if you have a family or other commitments.

Overall, not having key job benefits like retirement plans or paid vacation days can be a major drawback of freelance video editing. It's important to weigh the pros and cons before making the decision to go freelance.

Long hours

One of the drawbacks of freelance video editing is the possibility of long hours depending on the project. For example, if a client needs a two-minute video edited and it has to be perfect, that could take eight hours or more.

Another drawback is that sometimes projects do not go as planned. This can be frustrating for both the client and the editor. If a project is taking longer than expected, it can be difficult to keep everyone happy. 

And if there are revisions, that time can easily double. That’s why it’s important for freelancers to set boundaries and be honest about their availability from the start. Otherwise, they risk burning out or disappointing their clients.

Reach for clients

One of the drawbacks of freelance video editing is that you have to reach out to find and or attract clients. This can be costly, as paying for marketing is not cheap. However, it is possible to find clients without spending a lot of money on marketing.

There are many ways to reach out to potential clients, such as social media, networking, and word-of-mouth. If you are willing to put in the work, you can find clients without spending a lot of money on marketing.

How does freelance video editing compare to other popular freelancing careers?

Writing/ copywriting

Freelance video editing and freelance writing or copywriting has a few key differences. For one, video editing is much more of technical skill than writing or copywriting. This means that you need to have experience with software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro in order to be a successful freelance video editor.

Additionally, video editors need to have a good eye for detail and be able to work quickly and efficiently. However, there are also some similarities between freelance writing/copywriting and freelance video editing.

Both require excellent communication skills, as you will need to be able to communicate effectively with clients in order to understand their needs and vision for the project. Additionally, both require strong organizational skills in order to keep track of deadlines and deliverables.


There are many similarities between freelance video editing and freelance graphic design. Both require creative minds, artistic talent, and an eye for detail. Both also require a strong knowledge of the latest software applications and a willingness to learn new techniques.

However, there are some key differences between the two disciplines. Video editing is generally more technical, requiring a greater understanding of how to use video editing software to create the desired effect. Graphic design is often more conceptual, requiring a greater understanding of composition, color, and typography.


There are some key ways in which freelance video editing and consultation differ. The most obvious is that video editing requires a lot more technical skills and knowledge than consultation. This isn't to say that consultation doesn't require any skills or knowledge, but it certainly doesn't require the same level.

Video editing also tends to be a lot more time-consuming than consultation, so freelancers who offer this service usually charge by the hour. Another key difference is the nature of the work itself.

Video editing is often about taking raw footage and turning it into a polished final product, whereas consultation is more about offering advice and guidance. This means that video editors often have to be creative in their work, whereas consultants simply need to be knowledgeable about their topic.


When deciding if freelance video editing is worth it, you must consider what you are looking for in a job. If you value freedom and flexibility, then freelance video editing may be the right choice for you. However, if you are looking for stability and a consistent income, then a traditional job may be a better option. Ultimately, the decision comes down to what you value most in a job.

In conclusion, if you are thinking about freelance video editing, it is worth it, but it depends on the projects you choose. You need to make sure you are getting paid enough for your time and effort, and that the project is something you are interested in. Otherwise, you will quickly become frustrated and burned out. So if you do decide to freelance, make sure to do your research first!

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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