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Is more always better? We investigate the best resolution for video editing.


We've all been there. You're in the heat of editing a video and you think to yourself, "should I edit this at 4K even though my computer will probably struggle with the render times?" We investigate whether more is always better when it comes to video resolution for editing.

The Problem with the resolution

There's a problem with high-resolution video editing and it's that you might like it but your computer's CPU doesn't. This can lead to frustrating problems, like your computer crashing or freezing up.

It's not just high-resolution video that can be a problem, though. Even editing regular video can be tough on your computer if you're not careful. That's why it's important to know what you're doing before you start editing videos. Otherwise, you might end up with a big mess - and a lot of frustrated viewers.

What could happen If you're like most video editors, the last thing you want is to make the editing process any longer than it already is. But if your computer isn't performing well, that's exactly what will happen. Here's what you need to know to avoid slow performance while video editing.

One of the biggest culprits of slow performance while video editing is using too many programs at once. When you have too many programs open, your computer has to work harder to switch between them, which can lead to a slowdown. So if you're editing a video and find yourself constantly switching between different programs, close some of them down and see if that helps speed things up.

Many things can go wrong with the wrong resolution

If you're like most people, the last thing you want while video editing is to make the process even longer than it already is. But what if your computer has slow performance? Here's what could happen:

Your video could start lagging, which would make it harder to edit smoothly.

You might have to render your video more often, which would take even more time.

The quality of your final video could suffer if your computer can't handle all the data.

So if you're thinking about editing video on a slow computer, think again! It could end up being a huge time-suck.

This is because of the limitations of your computer

If you're a beginner video editor, you might think that editing in high resolution is no big deal. But trust us, it is. Your computer will have a hard time keeping up with the demands of high-resolution video editing, and you could end up with a big mess on your hands.

Here's why: high-resolution video is very demanding on your computer's processing power and memory. Even the most powerful computers can struggle to keep up with the demands of real-time video editing in high resolution. So if you're not careful, you could easily overload your system and crash your computer - or worse, lose all your hard work.

The solution is to find the right resolution

If you're looking to edit video on a resolution that's detailed but doesn't freak out your computer, there are a few things you need to know. First, you need to make sure your computer can handle the resolution you're working with. Second, you need to choose the right software for the job. And third, you need to be prepared to render your project when you're done.

With those three things in mind, let's take a look at some of the best software for editing video on a high resolution without freaking out your computer.

Your computer will thank you for it

If you're tired of your computer lagging every time you try to edit video, there's an easy solution: lower the resolution. Your computer will thank you for making its job easier, and you'll still be able to produce high-quality video.

There's no need to edit video in 4K if you're only going to watch it on a 1080p screen. By lowering the resolution, you're giving your computer a break and making the editing process quicker and smoother. Plus, you won't sacrifice quality; 1080p video looks just as good as 4K, especially when it's viewed on a smaller screen.

So next time you're ready to edit the video, don't hesitate to lower the resolution. Your computer will be grateful, and you'll be able to edit with ease.

So What resolutions work best

When it comes to editing videos, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The ideal resolution depends on your computer's specs. However, the best range to work with is 720 -1440p. 720p is the safest bet.

If you're looking to edit videos on your computer, the first thing you need to do is figure out what resolution you're working with. This will depend on your computer specs. Once you know that, you can start figuring out the best resolution for your needs.

The best range to work with is 720 -1440p. This gives you a lot of flexibility and ensures that you won't run into any issues. However, if you're not sure what your computer can handle, it's always safe to go with 720p.

Why 720p?

Editing video on 720p is always a breeze for any laptop. It's a safe bet but even very low-end laptops can use it without much trouble. So, if you're looking to get into video editing and don't want to spend a lot of money on a new computer, go ahead and get a laptop that can handle 720p. You'll be able to edit your videos with ease and won't have to worry about your computer struggling to keep up.

How to find out what resolution works best for me

You probably don't know what resolution works best for your computer. Here's a guide on how to find out. 

Start by going into the project settings in your video editor and starting the video resolution at 720p. Edit for 10-30 minutes and see how your computer handles it. If it starts to slow down or the fan starts making a lot of noise, that's an indication that you're pushing your computer too hard. 

Try increasing the resolution little by little each time until you find a happy medium between quality and speed. Once you find a good resolution, stick with it!

Frame Rate?

The frame rate in the project settings of your video editing software is also a large benefactor in slowing down the performance of your computer. Put this into consideration when trying to find your ideal resolution to edit with. Your best bet is 30 fps because any lower will make video editing cuts and fixing mistakes harder.


When editing videos on a laptop, many people don't know what resolution to use in order to get the best-looking video without sacrificing performance. 720p is the best resolution to use because it provides a good balance between quality and performance. Plus, taking frame rate into consideration is important when choosing a resolution for video editing.


In conclusion, more is not always better when it comes to video editing resolution. 720p is a good starting point for experimentation. With that said, the best resolution for video editing depends on the project you're working on and your own personal preferences. So try out different resolutions and see what works best for you!


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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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