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Video editing: How long will it really take? Improve your timeframe with our formula!

Editing a video can take up to 8x longer than you think!

When it comes to freelance video editing, beginners often underestimate how tight a deadline may be. This can lead to mistakes in their work, and ultimately a lower quality product. 

In order to avoid this, it's essential to be aware of the time constraints you're working with from the beginning. Often, clients will give you a specific deadline for when they need the project finished. If you know that you won't be able to meet that deadline, it's important to speak up as soon as possible. 

By being proactive and letting your client know of potential delays, you can avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts. Ultimately, it's better to be upfront about any potential problems than to disappoint your client with a final product that doesn't meet their expectations.

Editing a video can be a time-consuming process, no matter how hard you try to speed it up. Even if you use a software program that is designed to make the editing process easier, there is still a lot of time involved in getting the final product just right.

How do I know how long a video may take to edit

Editing a video will be a time-consuming process, but how much time is required depends on the length and complexity of the video. Generally, the more footage there is to work with, the longer it will take to edit.

If there are special effects or transitions that need to be added, that will also add time to the editing process. It's important to factor in all of these variables when estimating how long it will take to edit a video.

For example, A short promotional video for a local business might only take a few hours to edit, while a longer documentary could take weeks or even months. It all depends on the scope of the project and the amount of work that needs to be done.

One thing to keep in mind is that video editing is often a time-consuming process, so it's important to allow yourself enough time to finish the project properly. If you're rushed or working under tight deadlines, it's likely that the quality of your finished product will suffer.

How to calculate a realistic timeframe from start to finish

Footage + (Task X Footage) - (Skill X Workflow)= total time

This is my basic formula for how calculating how much time it will take. say a talking head video is what's on the menu. For a 10-minute video all you need is to watch it (10 mins), rearrange it (5-8 mins), Synchronize the audio (15 mins), Fix and improve the audio(15 mins), and add in background greenscreen (5 mins).

This makes a simple 10-minute video take 53 minutes.

I know, it sounds stupid, but you don't really understand how long 10 minutes is until you have to edit it. Nobody said this wasn't hard work, but nobody also said you couldn't find ways to speed it up. Click here to view my article on how to improve workflow.

Now we will get into the more complex details of how this formula works

Footage: the quality of your footage will also affect how long it takes to edit.

The quality of the footage can greatly affect how long it takes to edit a video. as a video editor, and one being paid at that, it's your job to fix audio, video, and light mistakes on your client's footage. you are to take that footage look and feel the best it can be.

The more mistakes footage has, the longer it will take to edit it. so be prepared, you can ask your client what equipment they were using to film and audio capture the footage, if the video looks unprofessional you can use a variety of editing effects to fix that

in the case of a video looking unprofessional, You can give filming advice to your client for free, this is always a great way to get good reviews and look good in front of future clients.

Tools and software: specific programs and tools can help speed up the editing process.

Editing a video can be a long and tedious process, but the use of video editing software tools can help to speed up the editing process.

The amount of time it takes to edit a video depends on a variety of factors, including the type of software being used, the complexity of the project, and the skill level of the editor.

Some video editing software tools are more complex than others and can require more time to learn how to use. However, they also offer more features and options for customizing videos.

Simpler software tools may be easier to learn how to use, but they may not have as many features or customization options.

The skill level of the editor also affects how long it takes to edit a video. Editors who are skilled in using video editing software tools can often complete projects faster than those who are less skilled.

For example, Adobe Premiere Pro is a popular choice for professional video editors. It is known for its powerful features and user-friendly interface. Other software tools, such as Apple Final Cut Pro, can be more difficult to use but offer more options for advanced editing.

The amount of time that it takes to edit a video can also be affected by the computer that is being used. Some computers are much faster than others, and some have more memory than others. 

Using a slower computer or one with less memory can increase the amount of time it takes to edit a video. Or using powerful software on a low-end computer will greatly increase rendering time and slow down the editing process.

Editing style: your editing style will also impact how long it takes to edit a video.

The length of time it takes to edit a video can depend on the style of the video. If there are a lot of cuts and changes in camera angles, the editing process will take longer. Conversely, if the video is relatively smooth with few cuts, it will be easier to edit and will likely take less time.

Editing a 20-minute youtube video takes more time than a 1-hour sales presentation, style of video takes up the most time in the process. not only do you have to fix mistakes as mentioned before, but you have to make the video have a certain feel.

Editing an action movie requires lots of cuts, music, audio synchronization, sound editing, etc. Just 5 minutes of an action scene could take a single day, but a simple slideshow video or stick footage can take 10-20 minutes of editing.

The variables of video editing

Footage + (Task X Footage) - (Skill X Workflow)= total time


The amount of footage given to you by your client. This also includes audio. may have many mistakes and things that will need to be fixed


The number of things you will need to do to fix the footage and fulfill client expectations. Transitions, audio fixes, video fixes, etc...


The amount of experience you have with the software you are using and editing videos in general


workflow has its own formula: File size ÷ (Computer performance + software) - Workflow habits = workflow. Read this post for more on workflow


In conclusion, video editing can take a significant amount of time, but with the right tools and formula, you can improve your timeframe. By following the steps in this article, you can get your timeframe more accuarate to stop giving yourself bad deadlines. Thanks for reading!

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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