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Practice Color Grading: How to Get the Perfect Grade Every Time.

Color grading Must be a nuisance for you huh?

Color grading can be a real pain in the neck, especially when you're just starting out. It's hard to get the hang of it and make it look good. But luckily, there are some helpful tips and tricks that can make the process a whole lot easier. So if you're struggling with color grading, don't give up just yet!

What is color grading exactly?

Color grading is the process of improving the appearance of an image by adjusting its color balance. This can be done with software or with specialized equipment. Often, it is used to make an image look more natural or to match the colors of other images.

Color grading is a vital part of the post-production process for many films and television shows. It can be used to correct problems with an image or to create a specific mood or look. For example, a film might be color graded to make it look warmer or cooler, depending on the desired effect.

Why a professional Video is important

Color grading is one of the most important aspects of video editing, and it can enhance the final product in a number of ways. First and foremost, it can make your video look more professional. Good color grading can solidify your professionalism as a video editor, and make your work stand out from the crowd.

In addition to making your video look more professional, good color grading can also improve the overall quality of the final product. Color grading can help to correct any problems with lighting or exposure, and can even add an extra layer of depth and dimension to your footage.

If you're looking to take your video editing to the next level, then color grading is definitely something you should consider. With practice, practice, and more practice you can vastly improve the look and feel of your work - and solidify your reputation as a top-notch video editor to your client.

So why is color grading so hard to do?

There are a few reasons why color grading can be difficult to master in video editing. Firstly, it can be difficult to get an accurate representation of colors when working with digital video. Secondly, color grading involves a lot of trial and error in order to find the right look for a particular project. Finally, it takes a lot of practice and experience to become good at color grading. However, the reward for mastering this skill is that it can help take your video projects to the next level.

Where to practice

If you want to get better at color grading, there's no need to go out and buy expensive software or hire a professional. You can practice color grading right from your computer, using any editing software that allows you to change the colors in a video.

To get started, download some unedited footage from the internet. You can find plenty of free video clips online, or you can use your own home videos. Once you have your footage, open it in your editing software and start experimenting with the color settings.

See what happens when you change the brightness, contrast, saturation, or hue. You can also experiment with using different color filters, or changing the white balance. The possibilities are endless, so have fun and see what looks best to you.

Where to find footage

There are many places online where you can find unedited footage to practice your color grading skills. One great place to look is YouTube. There are countless hours of unedited footage available on the site, and it's all free to download.

Another great place to find unedited footage is Vimeo. The site has a large selection of high-quality videos that you can download and use for practice.

Finally, if you want to really challenge yourself, you can try downloading raw footage from movies and TV shows. This can be tricky to find, but it's a great way to practice your color-grading skills on real-world material.

Balance Out color

When color grading your footage, it's important to color correct it first. That means making colors less vibrant so they don't pop out.

Color correction is the first step in color grading because it sets the foundation for all the other adjustments you'll make. By correcting the colors, you can ensure that your final grade will be more accurate and consistent.

To correct the colors in your footage, start by adjusting the white balance. Then, adjust the levels of each color channel until they're all within a normal range. Finally, use a curve adjustment to fine-tune the overall brightness and contrast of your image.

Apply Your Color Grading

After color correcting your video, you are ready to apply color grading to your video. This is the process of adding color effects to your footage to make it look more aesthetically pleasing. By adjusting the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue of your footage, you can create a wide variety of looks.

There are a few things to keep in mind when color-grading your video. First, be sure to match the look of your footage to the overall tone of your project. Second, don't go overboard with the effects - too much can make your footage look unnatural. And finally, experiment with different looks until you find one that you're happy with.

What are preset

A color grading preset is a saved collection of color correction settings that can be applied to video footage. The most common presets are used to correct white balance, exposure, and color saturation.

Color grading presets can be created in any video editing software that supports color correction. The most popular presets are those created by professional colorists and sold as commercial plugins. However, there are also many free presets available online.

The most common color grading presets are white balance, exposure, and saturation. White balance presets are used to correct the overall colors in a scene. Exposure presets are used to brighten or darken a scene. Saturation presets are used to increase or decrease the vibrance of colors in a scene.

The rest is up to you

When it comes to color grading, the final result is up to you. You can make your video look as natural or stylized as you want. And while there are some general guidelines you can follow, ultimately it's up to you to decide what looks best.

So experiment with different techniques and see what you like best. You might be surprised at how much a small change in color can impact the overall feel of your video. So have fun and see what you can create!


Color grading is the process of altering the colors in your footage to create a certain look or feel. You can find footage to practice with around the internet, and there are many color settings and presets available.

If you're just getting started with color grading, it's helpful to experiment with different settings and see what results in you can achieve. With a little practice, you'll be able to create stunning visuals that really make your footage pop!


In conclusion, color grading is an important skill to perfect if you want to make your films look their best. With a little practice, you can easily become a color grading pro. So get out there and start practicing!

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