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The Surprising Cost of Video Editing Instruction! Find out what your paying for?

Video Editing Instruction

Video editing is an increasingly popular way to create videos for business, entertainment, and education. However, many people don't consider the cost of video editing instruction before committing themselves to a project.

This article will outline the unanticipated costs associated with video editing instruction and help you decide whether it's worth investing in. From online courses to local classes, there are numerous options for learning how to edit videos.

Setting the Scene

When it comes to learning video editing, it can be difficult to know where to start. With countless options available, such as classes, udemy courses, and tutors, it can be overwhelming. However, these options often come with a hefty price tag attached.

If you’re willing to invest in your video editing education then you want to make sure you’re getting the most from your money. So how do you know which resources are worth buying?

Types of Instruction Available

Video editing is a complicated, but rewarding skill to have. It requires time, dedication, and more importantly, the right knowledge to create great pieces of work. Fortunately, the video editing world is filled with people who are happy to share their knowledge.

As with any other skill, there are many different ways to learn video editing. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully weighed. In the end, you will likely have answered a lot of questions about your problem. In this Section, we will give an overview of the various types of ways you can learn video editing and their respective pros and cons.

Cost of Video Editing Private Tutoring

When it comes to video editing, getting private tutoring can be very expensive. Private tutors often charge by the hour and if you’re a beginner or just want to learn more advanced techniques, you may find yourself paying quite a bit of money for your lessons.

Despite the high cost, there are some advantages to getting 1 on 1 tutoring with an experienced video editor.  With one-on-one sessions, the tutor is able to give you personalized instruction that fits your learning style and pace.

Additionally, they are able to answer any questions you have in real-time so that you can get immediate feedback and guidance as you work through projects. The tutor also serves as an accountability partner who helps keep you motivated and focused during your learning journey.


  • Highly personalized learning experience
  • Opportunity to ask questions in real-time 
  • Ability to receive feedback on progress and technical skills immediately 
  • The guidance provided by an experienced professional in the field 
  • Flexible scheduling options 


  • Expensive rate per hour 
  • Difficult to find the right tutor with the proper qualifications 
  • Limited access to specialized equipment or software for practice sessions  
  • Possible difficulty finding a tutor available at preferred times 
  • May require a long-term financial commitment if continuing tutoring is desir

Cost of Online Video Editing Classes & Workshops

Online classes and workshops for video editing can be costly but cost less than tutoring. They require more commitment from students, as they must stay focused and organized in order to keep up with the material.

However, students who take advantage of these types of courses can look forward to quality learning that is just as good if not better than what traditional tutoring provides. With online classes and workshops, teachers can provide a great deal of multimedia content such as text documents, audio files, and videos to help students learn the necessary concepts.

In addition, teachers may also offer live sessions or one-on-one support to further enhance the learning experience. All this allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the topics quicker than normal tutoring methods would provide.


  • Cost-effective compared to private tutoring 
  • Convenient, as they can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection 
  • Flexibility to choose the timing and duration of the class 
  • High-quality learning materials and resources 
  • Ability to interact with other students in the same field


  • Difficult to stay motivated without face-to-face guidance 
  • Difficulty in getting help from instructors when needed 
  • Limited access to specialist software or equipment  
  • Potential for technical issues such as slow connection or server downtime 
  • Risk of losing money if the course does not live up to expectations

Cost of Video editing online courses

E-Courses like Udemy have become increasingly popular for those wishing to learn video editing. These courses offer a variety of tutorials, from the basics to more advanced techniques. Many of them are also quite affordable due to frequent discounts offered on the platform.

However, it is important to note that not all e-courses are created equal and some may be more suited to specific software than others. Udemy offers both free and paid courses in video editing, allowing users to choose what works best for their individual needs and budget.

Paid courses tend to come with additional features such as exclusive content or access to forums where they can network with other professionals in the industry. Those who opt for a paid course should make sure they thoroughly research the quality of the course before purchasing it, as this will help ensure they get value for money.


  • A cost-effective way to learn video editing.
  • Courses are available on multiple software platforms.
  • Accessible anytime and anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Many courses provide lectures and tutorials from experienced professionals.
  • Offer certificates of completion for certain courses.


  • The quality of course content can vary depending on the instructor.
  • The limited scope of topics covered in each course.
  • Difficult to judge the validity of online certifications without research.
  • Different versions of software may require different courses for mastery.
  • Some courses may not include up-to-date content on new video editing software or techniques.

Learning For Free

Learning to video edit for free is becoming increasingly popular due to the availability of online resources. With so many options available, it can be hard to know where to start and what tools are best for getting started.

Luckily, there are some great free resources out there that you can use to learn how to edit videos without having to spend any money. Youtube and Reddit are excellent places to start learning about video editing.

On Youtube, you’ll find countless tutorials from experienced video editors that will teach you everything from the basics of video editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X, all the way up through more advanced techniques like color correction and motion graphics. Reddit also has active communities where users share tips and advice about video editing software and techniques.


  • Learning how to video edit for free is cost-effective.
  • Youtube and Reddit provide a wealth of resources for learning the skill.
  • The access to free tutorials makes it easier to practice and develop skills.
  • It gives users the ability to experiment with techniques on their own time and at their own pace.

Learning how to video edit can open up opportunities for freelance work or personal projects.


  • It may be difficult to find accurate and quality information online.
  • There is a lack of personalized instruction when learning from tutorials online.
  • It may take longer to learn than taking classes or workshops with an instructor present.
  • It can be difficult to troubleshoot technical problems without assistance from an instructor or mentor.
  • Users may not gain a comprehensive understanding of all the aspects of video editing when learning through free methods alone.

How to choose

Video editing is a great way to express yourself and create beautiful works of art. It can also be intimidating, however. With so many different methods available for learning video editing it can be hard to know which one is best for you.

Whichever method you choose to pursue, make sure it fits your unique needs! Researching each option ahead of time will help ensure that you find the best route for you in terms of cost, time commitment, and enjoyment level.

Where to research

The internet has made it possible for people to take courses from the comfort of their own home. With the range of online courses available, it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you. Fortunately, you can research the quality of online courses, classes, and tutors through reviews online.

When looking into an online course or tutor, it's important to check out what other students have said about their experience with them. Reviews will often provide insight into the quality of instruction and how helpful a tutor was.

You should also look into instructor experience and make sure they have relevant qualifications in that area. Finally, take a look at the table of contents to see if all topics are covered adequately before signing up for any course or class.

Practice Is invaluable

When it comes to learning video editing, the number one best way to become proficient is through practice and experimentation. This holds true no matter what type of classes, courses, or tutors you have available to you. As with any skill or craft, hands-on experience is the key to success.

With every project you work on and each experiment you try out, your understanding of video editing will grow exponentially. It’s important to remember that mastering any new skills takes time and effort – video editing included.

Though there are certainly many resources available for those who are just starting out in the field, nothing can substitute for hands-on experience when it comes to really learn how an editor works and gaining a thorough comprehension of all the processes involved in creating a great product.

Finding Quality Instruction with websites

Whether you're looking for classes, courses, or tutors, there are several websites that offer video editing learning opportunities.

The first website worth considering is Udemy. Udemy offers a variety of courses and classes on video editing that range from beginner-level all the way through advanced levels. Prices vary depending on the course you choose and can be as low as $10 per class.

Lynda.com is another website providing video editing lessons and tutorials. Subscribers have access to thousands of different courses taught by top professionals in the industry. With a monthly subscription fee of only $25 USD, this site allows users to receive personalized training at an affordable price point.

Skillshare offers both free and paid memberships. With a free membership, users gain access to thousands of classes on various topics related to videography and editing techniques. Paid memberships with additional courses covering topics like color grading, motion graphics animation, and 3D design for filmmaking.

They also offer special "tutors" or experts in their respective fields who can provide personalized instruction and guidance within the platform's online classrooms. These tutors have years of experience working in the film industry, which makes them ideal mentors for aspiring editors looking to hone their skills.

The masterclass is an online platform that offers classes taught by award-winning professionals in the film industry. Courses include detailed instruction on topics such as shooting and editing techniques, camera movement, color correction, and more. The masterclass also provides 24/7 support from its community of experts to answer any questions or provide advice when needed.

For those looking for one-on-one guidance with a professional tutor, MyTutor is a great option. They have certified tutors available who specialize in the art of video editing and provide personalized lessons tailored to meet each student’s individual needs.


Video editing is a popular way of creating videos for business, entertainment, and education. However, the costs of video editing instruction are often overlooked before committing to a project.

Private tutoring can be very expensive, with limited access to specialized equipment, but offers a highly personalized learning experience. Online classes and workshops are cost-effective and convenient, but can be difficult to stay motivated without face-to-face guidance.

Udemy offers both free and paid courses that are accessible anytime and anywhere with an internet connection, and many provide lectures and tutorials from experienced professionals.

However, the quality of course content can vary depending on the instructor, and it can be difficult to judge the validity of online certifications without research.

Overall, finding quality instruction at an affordable price requires careful consideration of the options available.


In conclusion, video editing instruction can be a great investment for those looking to learn the software and gain professional skills in the industry.

The cost can vary depending on how intensive the course is, what type of instructor is teaching, and how much time is dedicated to learning. As with any kind of educational investment, be sure to do your research and find an option that works best for you.

Thanks For Reading

As a freelance video editor, staying up-to-date with the latest technology and software is crucial. ShootItEditProfit.com understands this and provides valuable resources to help enhance your skills and increase your earnings.

By subscribing to our email list, you'll receive access to exclusive content such as tutorials on how to improve your editing techniques, tips on how to grow your client base, and information on the latest software deals.

Our team of experienced editors has spent years perfecting their craft and are now sharing their knowledge with you. We understand the challenges that come with being a freelancer in the competitive market of video editing, which is why we're dedicated to providing you with the tools and resources needed for success.

From learning new editing techniques to discovering new ways to promote yourself online, ShootItEditProfit.com has got you covered.

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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