

This New Video Editing Workflow Checklist Willl Save You Time and Energy

Are you also afraid of not completing work on time?

In the video editing world, there are a million and one ways to do things. This can make it tough to know where to start, especially when you're just getting started. If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't worry- you're not alone! But have no fear, because we've put together this brand new video editing workflow checklist to help make the process a little bit easier for you.

Preproduction: Outline what needs to be done before beginning to edit a video.

Don't import unwanted footage

When you import video clips into your video editor, be selective about which ones you include. If you import a clip that you later decide you don't want, you'll have to spend time deleting it.

Save yourself time and trouble by only importing the clips you know for sure you want. With the videos I edit, it can take me hours of watching deleting footage because I was too careless to delete footage I didn't want in the first place.

Take multiple photos (slide shows)

Don't be afraid to spam the capture button, there is a reason paparazzi lights up like a thunderstorm, the more photos the better chance that one comes out a winner.

Focus on a clear vision

When editing your video, focus on a vision and stick to it. No matter what the project is, having a clear vision will help make the editing process smoother. Whether you're putting together a home movie or working on a commercial, establish the tone and style of the piece and stick to it.

This will help avoid any confusion or inconsistencies in the final product. By keeping your vision in mind, you can better control how your video looks and feels. if You can't focus on a vision, draw inspiration from others' videos. I usually research what techniques work best for what audience.

Label footage

When you're filming a video, it's important to film each clip individually and keep them organized. That way, when you're ready to edit the footage, you only import the clips you want into the video editor.

Label each clip as you film it so that you can easily find and import them into the editor. This also makes it easier to edit later because you can see what's happening in each clip.

Create a mini checklist

Create a task checklist. This will help you keep track of what still needs to be done and will help prevent you from forgetting anything important. Break down the project into smaller tasks that can be completed easily. This will help reduce the amount of stress you feel and make the editing process more manageable. 

Avoid Reshoots

When it comes to video editing, having enough material is key. If you don't have enough footage to work with, you'll have to do reshoots, and that can be costly and time-consuming. So before you start filming, make sure you have enough material to work with.

That means planning your shots carefully and ensuring that you capture everything you need. It also means being efficient while filming so that you don't waste any footage. And if you do need to do reshoots, make sure they're planned and organized so that they're as quick and painless as possible.

Don't bring the wrong tools

If you're using video editing software, it's important to use the right tools for the job. For example, if you're looking to add text to your video, you'll need a tool that allows you to do that. If you're looking to add a logo or watermark to your video, you'll need a different tool.

Editing Ultra High Definition (UHD) videos can be a challenge, especially if the software you are using has a resolution limit. Make sure you research what software does what before you bring a pillow to a tank fight.

Production: Describe the steps that should be taken during the actual editing process.

Import in a certain order

When importing assets into your video editing software, it’s helpful to place them in a specific order. This will ensure that your project is easy to navigate and that the assets are organized. Most software has a media tab where you can look at all media, this is perfect for placing any media you might want to use

This order of assets can be decided by you, but by having a clear, concise, order. You can drag and drop assets without having to find them. Personally, I like to order them in an estimated chronological order. I have a basic idea of what vids go where, and why they are on that spot (sticking to the vision).

Place all assets in the place you want them to go

Skip all the detail work for now and watch your video to see if it should use reordering. watch the video and see if the placement order makes sense to you, then edit out the details as you see fit. This way you avoid spending time editing small details just to change your mind and erase them later.

Use hardware acceleration, resolution downgrade, and performance mode while editing.

many people have low-end laptops and pcs. Overworking your computer can have massive effects on your workflow. it's important to work smoothly or else your computer will shut down from overheating.

Many video editors have performance modes, hardware acceleration, or resolution downgrade features. in addition, you can always subscribe to a cloud computing service, but it will cost extra money.

edit mistakes end to start.

Edit out any audio desynchronization or timeline mistakes from end to start. For some software, messing up one thing at the start might change the position for other assets later in the video.

Create backups

It's a general rule, like not sticking your hand into the cookie jar. you don't wanna have something go wrong and lose the one thing you've been working hours for!

Postproduction: List the steps that need to be completed once filming is finished.

Rewatch Your video

Editing your video footage is a great way to make sure that you catch all of the mistakes that you made while filming. By taking the time to watch your video again after editing, you can make sure that all of the shots are in order and that there are no errors in the footage.

This will help to ensure that your video looks polished and professional. Additionally, watching your footage after editing can help you to determine if there are any areas that could be improved upon. If you notice any problems, you can then make the necessary changes before publishing your video.

Overall, taking the time to watch your footage after editing is a great way to ensure that your video looks its best.

Subtitle generator

If your video editor doesn't have one a subtitle generator is always available online, this will remove the work of having to do it manually, especially if you have to translate from another language.

This rule also applies to many other things, many generators exist for free on the internet that can add things much faster than you or I can. although you have to of completed the rest of the video before using these generators.


In conclusion, using this video editing workflow checklist can help improve your editing process. It is easy to follow and can help you produce better videos By following the steps in this article, you can create a workflow that is tailored to your needs. Try it out today and see the difference it makes in your editing process!

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The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.

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