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Video Editing

Techniques & Skill

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Unlock Your Potential! How to Improve Your Video Editing Skills

When you’re starting out as a video editor, it can be difficult to impress clients. There are ways to improve your video editing skills and show your clients that you’re the right person for the job.

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Want to empower your clients Instagram reels with great video editing techniques?

For video editors, this presents a challenge in terms of telling a story or conveying a message within such a short timeframe. However, it also presents an opportunity to be creative and think outside the box. With the right approach, Instagram reels can be used to great effect.

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Practice Color Grading: How to Get the Perfect Grade Every Time.

Color grading can be a real pain in the neck, especially when you’re just starting out. But luckily, there are some helpful tips and tricks that can make the process a whole lot easier. So if you’re struggling with color grading, don’t give up just yet!

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Learning the Mix: Getting the perfect sound with Audio Mixing!

f you’ve ever tried to record audio in a loud room, you know how difficult it can be to isolate the sound you want. Whether it’s the din of court food or the cacophony of a concert, background noise can ruin your recording. But there are ways to overcome this challenge.

Techniques & Skill

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Maximize Efficiency with Powerful Video Editing workflow best Practices

Discover powerful video editing workflow best practices to maximize your video production. Learn tips to get the most out of your workflow.

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Unlock 5 creative video editing techniques That will expand your skillbook.

You don't have to be a professional to expand your video editing skills! Unlock 5 creative video editing techniques that will upgrade your videos!

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Unlock Quality Videos with a Video Editing Style Guide

Unlock the highest quality videos with our detailed Video Editing Style Guide. Learn the techniques to elevate your video content.

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When To Use Transitions In Video Editing And How To Do It Flawlessly

Find out the best times to use transitions in video editing and how to do it flawlessly with our useful guide! Learn more today!


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From Blurry to vibrant: What is Color Correction in Video Editing?

Color correction is the process of adjusting the colors in footage to create a more natural or desired look. This can be anything from removing a green tint from an underwater shot to making a daytime scene look like it was filmed at night.

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Is more always better? We investigate the best resolution for video editing.

We’ve all been there. You’re in the heat of editing a video and you think to yourself, “should I edit this at 4K even though my computer will probably struggle with the render times?” We investigate whether more is always better when it comes to video resolution for editing.

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What Impact Does lut vs Color Grading Actually Have in video editing?

Get to the bottom of it! Dive into the comparison of lut vs color grading and learn about the impact each has on video editing!

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How to write a script for an ad. Make Powerful Results For Your Clients Fast!

Learn how to write a compelling script for an ad that will get powerful results for your clients quickly. Get tips on crafting the perfect message.


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The Right Places to Find Great Audio sounds for Video editing!

Are you looking for high-quality audio sounds for video editing? From royalty free music to sound effects, make your projects come alive!

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