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You're a freelance video editor, in need of a contract template? We can help!

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Freelance contracts are essential for this industry

When you're a freelancer, contracts are key to protecting yourself and getting paid for the work you do. Clear, fair, and professional contractors can help attract buyers and Entice them to buy your services while in the decision-making process.

What is a contract

When two parties are entering into a business transaction, it's important that they have a clear understanding of the terms of the agreement. A contract is a legally binding document that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both sides.

A freelance contract is a specific type of agreement that is typically used when hiring an independent contractor. This type of contract outlines the agreed-upon terms between a freelancer and their client. The main purpose of this document is to protect both the freelancer and the client by setting clear expectations.

As a freelancer, a contract can help you by clarifying what is expected of you and outlining your rights as a worker. This can be especially helpful if there are any disputes later on. For clients, a contract protects them by ensuring that they will actually receive the deliverables that they are paying for.

How do I download it?

If you're a freelancer, then you know how important it is to have a solid contract template that you can use with your clients. And if you're looking for a great freelance contract template, then you can download this one by signing up for my newsletter.

This contract template is simple and straightforward, and it covers all of the key points that should be included in any freelancer contract. Plus, it's free to download! So if you're looking for a great way to protect yourself and your business, then be sure to sign up for my newsletter and grab this contract template.

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when do I present it?

When you've found a potential client that you'd like to work with, it's important to present a freelance contract as soon as possible. This will help set expectations for the project and will give both parties a clear understanding of the terms of the agreement.

The best time to present a contract is during your initial meeting with the client. This way, you can go over the details of the project and address any questions or concerns they may have before moving forward. If you're unable to meet in person, then sending the contract via email or fax is also acceptable.

Be sure to review the contract thoroughly with the client before asking them to sign it. Once both parties have signed, make sure to keep a copy for your records. This will protect you in case of any future disputes.

Breaking down the contract

How it will work

The "How It Will Work" section of a contract is key in specifying the expectations and obligations of both the client and freelancer. The freelancer agrees to provide the client with a list of deliverables, including a timeline and cost estimate.

The client agrees to provide feedback on the deliverables and to make any changes that the freelancer deems necessary. Both parties agree to communicate regularly throughout the project.

This section should also outline what information is needed from the client, what actions are required by the freelancer, and when these things are to be completed.


The payment section of the freelance contract must state how the freelancer is paid, what platform of payment the freelancer will use when the freelancer will be paid, and any other pertinent information regarding payment.

This is important because it sets up a clear understanding between the freelancer and the client about how the money will exchange hands. Without this understanding, there could be confusion and conflict down the line.

It's also important to be specific about payment details in order to avoid any misunderstandings. For example, if a client agrees to pay a freelancer $100 per hour, but doesn't specify whether that's per project or per week, there could be trouble later on.

By being clear about payment from the start, both parties can avoid any potential problems later on in the relationship.

Project Scope

In order to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes down the road, it is important that the project scope section of the freelance contract is very clear. This section should state what the freelancer will be responsible for and what they will not be responsible for.

It should also specify what deliverables are expected and when they are due. Being clear about these things from the start, it will help to ensure that both parties are on the same page and that the project goes smoothly.


When it comes to contracting with a freelancer, one of the most important sections to consider is the revision section. This is because revisions can often be one of the most time-consuming and costly aspects of the project. Therefore, it is important to state how revisions will work upfront in the contract in order to avoid any misunderstandings later on.

Generally speaking, there are two types of revision requests that a freelancer may receive: those that are within the scope of the original project and those that are outside of it. It is important to clearly delineate between these two types of revisions in the contract so that both parties know what to expect.

For revisions that are within the scope of the original project, freelancers should outline how many rounds of revisions they are willing to do (e.g., 2 rounds) and how long each round will take (e.3 days)


The legal section of the freelance contract must state how disputes work and the limitation of liability towards damages to a 2nd party. This protects both the freelancer and the business, as it outlines what will happen in the event of a disagreement.

If there is a dispute, both parties must first attempt to resolve it through negotiation. If they are unable to reach an agreement, then they can take the matter to arbitration. This is where an arbitrator will hear both sides of the story and make a binding decision.

It is important to have a limitation of liability clause in the contract as well. This protects the business from being held responsible for any damages that may occur to the freelancer as a result of their work.

Copy right

As a freelancer, it is important to understand your rights when it comes to the work you produce. The copyright section of your contract should state that the client owns the copyright to your work. This means that they have the right to reproduce, distribute, and create derivative works from your work.

However, you can still retain the right to be credited for your work, if you gain the client's approval to do so. If you have any questions about the copyright section of your contract, be sure to ask your client or lawyer before signing.


When contracting a freelance video editor, it is important to understand the rights of both the client and the freelancer. This section of the contract goes over those rights in detail.

As the client, you have the right to request revisions from the freelancer. However, you must give clear and concise directions in order to avoid any confusion. You also have the right to approve or reject the final product.

As a freelancer, you have the right to be paid for your work. You should also receive feedback from the client so that you can improve your skills. If there are any changes that need to be made, you have the right to negotiate those changes with the client.


When a contract is terminated, there are specific procedures that must be followed in order to avoid any legal issues. First, the contract termination must be mutual between both parties. This means that both the freelancer and the client must agree to end the contract.

Second, all outstanding payments must be made before the contract is officially terminated. This includes any invoices that have not yet been paid as well as any expenses that are still owed by the client.

Finally, all work products created by the freelancer during the course of the contract must be delivered to the client in a timely manner. Once these steps have been followed, the contract can then be officially terminated.

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Our blog is a resource for video editors who want to learn more about how to make money freelancing, as well as for business owners and marketers who need help with video editing. We aim to provide the best advice and resources possible, so that our readers can succeed in their video editing careers.

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